T1L1 2023 Impact Report – Mentoring Success and Future Goals

Our Team’s Work and Passion in 2023

by Dr. Lori Maldonado Thanks primarily to your support, we are closing the chapter on 2023 with excitement as we look back to the many accomplishments we experienced. Your contributions directly impacted the lives of over 4,000 students nationwide, providing them the long-term mentoring they needed to grow and succeed.

Teach One to Lead One Season of Giving 2024

Season of Giving

As the season of giving approaches, we often reflect on the things that matter most. What if you could make an enduring mark on someone’s life? What if, with a simple act, you could ignite a future full of promise, passion, and potential? Would you provide the gift of mentoring

Teach One to Lead One Leadership Transition 2024 Message from the Board


As we write this message on behalf of the Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) Board of Directors to you, your dedication to our mission is at the forefront of our thoughts. We are deeply grateful for your partnership in achieving our much-needed work. Mentoring thousands of students is only


Israel-Hamas War Impact: Navigating Turbulence

In our current global climate, we are witnessing firsthand the impact of the violent conflict between Israel and Hamas on our children and youth. It’s a relentless storm of distressing news that has inevitably taken a toll on their mental health. As parents, educators, and mentors, we face an important

Teach One to Lead One Hope Mentors in Action

Hope Mentors in Action

Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) Hope Mentors inspire and bring a much-needed perspective to students. Here’s how most T1L1 high school students responded this semester to the statement, “If you really knew me, you would know …” Hope Mentors: Showing Compassion: “I work to provide things for me and

Parent and teen communication tips for healthy relationships

Effective Communication: Navigating the Parent-Teen Conversation

Author: Dr. Lori Maldonado One of the most intriguing chapters in the ever-evolving journey of parenthood or grandparenting is the transition from child to teenager. Parents often find themselves bewildered by the sudden changes in behavior as their child transforms into an adolescent. It’s a phase that can leave parents

Teach One to Lead One Navigating Today’s Challenges
Kids in Need

Navigating Today’s Challenges

by Dr. Lori Maldonado In today’s dynamic digital landscape, our teens are embarking on a journey teeming with opportunities for growth and positive transformations! However, this thrilling new world also presents its unique set of challenges. The National Institute of Mental Health reveals that approximately 17% of American teens may

T1L1 Back to School Fundraiser Central Indiana

Inspiring Back to School Fundraiser

Central Indiana’s Teach One to Lead One® (T1L1) Chapter welcomed the new school year with an exciting fundraising event, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Mrs. Sara Colter, the Area Manager, and the Chapter’s Board of Delegates. The event was a resounding success, thanks to the generous support of local

T1L1 CEO Transition Announcement

A Tender Transition at Teach One to Lead One®

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR CEO A Tender Transition at Teach One to Lead One® I am thrilled to share the exciting future of mentoring at Teach One to Lead One! As the founder of CLI, Inc. dba Teach One to Lead One, this organization has been my passion, sweat, tears,


Double Impact: Kamryn’s Transformation

by Spencer Harvey, YDP In the spirit of sharing inspiring stories from our Teach One to Lead One® program, we want to spotlight Kamryn, a determined high school freshman who experienced an unexpected journey of personal growth and leadership. Kamryn’s school schedule resulted in her going through the Teach One

Future of Mentoring T1L1 Technology
Community Orgs

Our Future is Not Bleak: The Future of Mentoring

By Dr. Lori Maldonado I am thrilled to share the exciting future of mentoring! The mentoring landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by integrating technology and remote digital platforms. This transformation is invigorating and full of possibilities! Today’s generation forges relationships through digital means, a departure from the traditional in-person interactions


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