A Tender Transition at Teach One to Lead One®


A Tender Transition at Teach One to Lead One®

I am thrilled to share the exciting future of mentoring at Teach One to Lead One! As the founder of CLI, Inc. dba Teach One to Lead One, this organization has been my passion, sweat, tears, and brainchild for most of my life.

After much contemplation, prayer, and soul-searching, I have decided to step down from my role as CEO. This change will be a tender transition, as Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) has been a significant part of my life journey for the last 27 years.

Effective no later than December 31, 2024, I will pass the torch to a new CEO. I will do my best to provide support and guidance during the transition to ensure a seamless handover to the next leader.

The T1L1 Board of Directors has appointed a Transition Committee of qualified and experienced individuals responsible for creating a timeline for hiring the new CEO. This committee is also developing a communications plan to keep all T1L1 stakeholders informed about the transition process.

The Transition Committee will be actively involved in the CEO search process, conducting interviews with potential candidates and recommending them to the Board of Directors. The Board will then conduct further interviews and make a decision regarding the hiring of the new CEO.

Throughout this process, the Board will follow the communications plan recommended by the Transition Committee to ensure transparency. The goal is to select a CEO who shares our passion for mentoring and has the vision and drive to lead T1L1 into an even brighter future.

I am incredibly proud of the journey you and I have embarked upon together over the last 27 years. Together, we have impacted the lives of over 55,000 students through our flagship long-term Teach One to Lead One program across the United States and in countries such as Australia, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, South Africa, and Switzerland.

As I begin to explore new horizons beyond Teach One to Lead One, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. As I think about the future, I celebrate the memories, accomplishments, and friendships that have enriched my life throughout this incredible journey.

This transition marks a new chapter in the story of Teach One to Lead One, and I am excited to see how it will continue to grow and thrive under new leadership.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support and dedication to this life-impacting organization. Your care and commitment to the children and youth of our nation make a consequential difference.

Together, you and I have empowered and inspired countless students, and I am filled with determined confidence that this incredible journey will endure. I am deeply thankful for your continuous support and belief in the vision of Teach One to Lead One, both now and in the years to come.

With boundless excitement for the future,

Dr. Lori Maldonado
Founder of Teach One to Lead One®

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