T1L1 students preparing meals for global communities in need
Kids in Need

Empowering Hearts and Filling Plates

Empowering Hearts and Filling Plates Over 70 Hamilton Heights High School, Middle School, and Eastwood Middle School students joined forces during their Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) service project to show us the way! These inspiring young leaders teamed up with International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) to prepare over

Baby Boomers Must Teach and Trust
Kids in Need

Baby Boomers must Teach and Trust

The new generations are here to stay Much has been written and shown lately about the Millennial and Snowflake Generations. ‘Millennials‘ are those who became of legal age around the year 2000 and ‘snowflakes/homelanders‘ those who were born into the 2000’s. Other names have surfaced for these generations but those

Teenage Brain Health Support and Guidance

We must learn to navigate a teenager’s mind

Teenage brain health Most parents or mentors who work with teens may at times wish that they could read a teenager’s mind. It becomes even more challenging when we encounter a teenage brain health issue. The following quote from an unknown author may summarize what adults may think when working

How to Parent Today’s Child

How to Parent Today’s Child

It seems that we hear this question more often today than what we used to. What is it about parenting today’s children that seems to be more difficult in this new millennium than in the previous one? Is it really more difficult or is it that we don’t have good

Believing in Today’s Youth

Believing in today’s youth

Regardless of what we’re trying to accomplish, I think success begins with belief in what we do. For those of us who have a passion to mentor and help today’s youth, we must remind ourselves that our main focus must be to help those kids see it. When a child

Mentors Keep Coming Back to Inspire Students

Mentors keep on coming back

Teach One to Lead One mentors make it a priority each week to meet with their students and offer a guiding hand. Students eagerly await their mentor’s visit to the classroom. School administrators report that attendance goes up when their students participate in the Teach One to Lead One program.

Happy New Year 2016 Message from T1L1 CEO

Happy New Year 2016

CEO & Founder, Dr Lori Salierno Maldonado, sends an encouraging greeting to all Teach One to Lead One supporters and wishes them a great New Year 2016

End of Year 2015 Greeting from T1L1 CEO

EOY 2015 Greeting

CEO & Founder, Dr Lori Salierno Maldonado, shares an end-of-year message with T1L1 supporters. Thank you for a great year! We are looking forward to a great 2016 in partnership with you.

Tips for Finding a Good Mentor and Being One

The Secret to Finding a Good Mentor and Vice Versa

Are you on the hunt for a good mentor? Or maybe you’re a mentor who is looking for a few people who may need your help. Either way, finding the right person is not easy. It takes time and patience to find someone who understands your needs and is willing

MAGIC in Mentoring with Teach One to Lead One

Creating MAGIC in Mentoring

Huffington Post came out with an article called “The Magic of Mentoring,” which covers mentoring in business and how it can make the difference between success and failure. The author, Bev James, opens with one sentence: Mentoring isn’t magic but its effects can be magical. This powerful statement isn’t sugarcoated.

Make Excellence a Habit with Teach One to Lead One

Make Excellence a Habit and Succeed

At-risk kids struggle with many of our principles when they first start the T1L1 program. From Compassion to Respect to Humility, they are all hard to master for a kid challenged by everyday activities such as school, sports, relationships with family and friends, and work. At Teach One to Lead

Teamwork: A Life Principle Worth Learning with T1L1

Teamwork: A Life Principle Worth Learning

Teamwork is essential in daily life. It’s one of those principles that at-risk kids will use the most in their adult lives, like studying with friends for a big college exam, learning compromise with a spouse to ensure a successful marriage, and working with co-workers to meet a deadline. Working


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