Lifesaving Mentoring T1L1 Support

Lifesaving Mentoring

Dr. Lori Maldonado I typically focus on positive and uplifting topics in my writing and conversations. However, I feel compelled to address the heavy issue of youth suicide that weighs heavily on my heart. The alarming rise in suicide rates among children aged 10 to 14 cries out for our

Sad Child Tragedy T1L1 Mentoring

A Sad Child Tragedy

Robert Pledger, YDP Teach One to Lead One® graduation ceremonies are special to me. The atmosphere is electric, filled with enthusiasm from students, mentors, and attendees. Recently, we celebrated several Teach One to Lead One (T1 L 1) graduation events in our area. However, one moment that captivates everyone’s attention

Journey Without Children T1L1 Mentoring

A Journey Without Children

As Mother’s Day approaches, I reflect on my journey of not having my own children, but it has only fueled my passion for making a difference in the lives of young people through Teach One to Lead One. Like a mother’s love, I am dedicated to guiding children and youth

Unlock Child’s Potential T1L1 Mentoring

Learn How to Unlock It

Are you ready to unlock your child’s or grandchild’s full potential and set them on a path to success? Look no further! At Teach One to Lead One (Tl L1), we have an exciting opportunity for you and your child. It’s called Mobile Mentor by Tl Ll . Imagine a

Helping Students Feel Safe T1L1 Mentorship
Kids in Need

Helping Them Feel Safe

Joshua was defiant when we first met him. Joshua’s teacher told us, “He had a lot of outbursts and didn’t want to follow directions. He was very confused.” His teacher and the School Social Worker were constantly working with Joshua.  Unfortunately, he couldn’t sit still and was struggling with attention

New Digital Realities T1L1 Mentoring
Kids in Need

New Digital Realities

In 2021, Bark (makers of a digital monitoring app) analyzed more than 3.4 billion messages across email, texts, social media, and many other apps to compile statistics that tell the story about what our kids face today. Although not totally unexpected, the new digital realities were alarming nevertheless. • 85.00%

Teach One to Lead One App 2.0 Mentoring

Teach One to Lead One App 2.0 is Ready

Interview by Spencer Harvey  Advances in technology seem to attract news coverage. Those announcements typically aim to convince us that our lives will somehow improve. We all benefit from faster computers, digital car dashboards, enhanced voice recognition, and more. But some digital technologies have a somewhat silent yet evil effect

Right and Wrong Teach One to Lead One Story
Kids in Need

Right and Wrong

Jaylyn is a junior in high school whom I recently ran into. Of course, I see many students while I am out meeting with our mentors in the schools or the classroom where I mentor. However, running into Jaylyn was a special surprise. Jaylyn was a Teach One to Lead

The Good Fight Teach One to Lead One Youth Empowerment
Kids in Need

The Good Fight

You truly inspire me! When meeting with Teach One to Lead One financial investors and volunteer mentors across our country, I consistently leave those meetings encouraged. Life is full of surprises, some good and some incredibly challenging. Yet, knowing that you and I are working together to reach the next

Tyler’s journey overcoming epilepsy with Teach One to Lead One mentorship

The Pain of Epilepsy

Tyler is a young man who participated in one of our Teach One to Lead One high school groups. His life story touches deep in the hearts of those who hear it. For you see, Tyler was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 11. As we can only imagine,

Positive energy for youth creating safety and hope
Community Orgs

Feeling Positive Energy

There is a lot of talk about positive energy nowadays. What does that mean? Young people talk about it often. But what do they mean? In a world surrounded by strife, we can be energy givers. But how? Well, the answer is more accessible than many of us think. Think

T1L1 mentors celebrating small wins for youth

Unleash a Chain Reaction

Get ready to witness an explosion of positive energy as we unlock the incredible potential of celebrating small wins in children’s and youth’s lives! These seemingly tiny victories hold the key to an unstoppable chain reaction of success, motivation, and unhindered enthusiasm.  Picture this: a child demonstrates outstanding behavior, accomplishes


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