Teach One to Lead One App 2.0 is Ready

Interview by Spencer Harvey 

Advances in technology seem to attract news coverage. Those announcements typically aim to convince us that our lives will somehow improve. We all benefit from faster computers, digital car dashboards, enhanced voice recognition, and more. But some digital technologies have a somewhat silent yet evil effect on our children. Sometimes, the result is deadly. In an interview with Tl I-I’s Global Program Manager, Felisha Hunter, we learned that the well-known Tl Ll Mentoring Experience had entered the digital space. Why? Mrs. Hunter explains, “The Tl Ll Team could not ignore the need before us. We must bring good and transformational content into the digital space to counteract what our children see. That’s why we created the new TILI App.”

High school young student writing to notebook in class lecture
Kids in Need

Navigating Today’s Challenges

by Dr. Lori Maldonado In today’s dynamic digital landscape, our teens are embarking on a journey teeming with opportunities for growth and positive transformations! However,

Smiling depression appearing happy to others while internally suffering depressive symptoms.

Lifesaving Mentoring

Dr. Lori Maldonado I typically focus on positive and uplifting topics in my writing and conversations. However, I feel compelled to address the heavy issue


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