Navigating Today’s Challenges

T1L1 Navigating Today’s Challenges by Dr. Lori Maldonado

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, our teens are embarking on a journey teeming with opportunities for growth and positive transformations! However, this thrilling new world also presents its unique set of challenges.

The National Institute of Mental Health reveals that approximately 17% of American teens may grapple with depression. Shockingly, cyberbullying affects a staggering 22% of our youth, as reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. Furthermore, we face the looming issue of obesity, with alarming statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showing that 22% of teens are documented as obese.
The intersection of peer pressure and social media introduces both obstacles and prospects. While violent media exposure numbs empathy and social media platforms can simplify bullying, we must recognize that we can’t fully disconnect our children from the digital realm. In today’s world, education and other valuable information make it necessary to have digital connectivity.

So, what’s our game plan? We must train our children, youth, and young adults to discern this new digital landscape. Instead of recalling simpler tech-free days of long ago, we must actively guide our youth to become savvy media consumers. They must understand the existence of unscrupulous businesses and people with harmful agendas who use the internet to reach our kids.

Discover the power of mentoring, your strongest ally in this digital age! Our Mobile Mentor platform, designed by Teach One to Lead One, was built to deliver positive, empowering content to students. With this tool, mentors can foster meaningful conversations, access invaluable resources, and guide teens in identifying quality digital content.
Now, we invite you to be part of this empowering journey. Your support fuels our mission to empower children and youth to thrive in this exhilarating digital era. Join us in making a difference today.

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