Our Vision
Teach One to Lead One provides educators throughout the nation with constructive mentoring programs for students in grades K-12. Our programs focus on nurturing and instilling Universal Principles essential to adequately move students forward in their personal and professional lives. Students graduate Teach One to Lead One with a firm understanding of communicative skills and character attributes that lead to success as they move from childhood to young adulthood.

It is a vision where there is a 10% decline in the statistics for youth concerning:
- Violence
- Cheating
- Drug and alcohol use
- School drop-out rates
It is a vision where there is a 10% increase in the statistics for youth concerning:
- Pursuit of higher education
- Test scores
- School attendance
It is a vision where young people create a momentum in the world by living lives grounded in integrity, healthy habits, strong relationships, and positive influence.
Our Mission
Celebrate Life International (CLI) is an organization dedicated to transforming students into responsible citizens by strengthening their character in practical leadership skills and Universal Principles.
CLI delivers programs, materials, and personnel that equip young people to build lives of integrity, create positive relationships, stand strong in healthy habits, and multiply their influence among their peers.
It is a vision where thousands of volunteers, community leaders, faith-based leaders, parents, and educators join together and work to make a positive difference in the lives of young people.