move it

May 26 - June 8

The MOVE IT! Challenge is a peer-to-peer fundraising event where participants choose a physical activity, seek sponsors, have fun, and raise funds to support Teach One to Lead One’s mission of providing valuable guidance to students in need of hope.

Create Awareness

Raise Funds

Strengthen Mentoring

The last two years have had a catastrophic impact on kids. The mental impact of isolation is impacting academics.
- Susannah Woehr

Get your T1L1 Swag!

When you purchase your Official T1L1 Merchandise, you are supporting your Area’s Team in MOVE IT! Click the link below, select your gear, support the Challenge. Deadline to purchase is May 12th.

Joshua was defiant when we first met him. Joshua's teacher told us, "He had a lot of outbursts and didn't want to follow directions. He was very confused." His teacher and the School Social Worker were constantly working with Joshua. After he completed the Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) program, he told us, "T1L1 taught me to have self-control, never give up on my dreams, and treat others the way I want to be treated. If someone lets me down, I need to pick myself up again. When times got rough, T1L1 was there for me and made me feel safe."


Treat others with respect in all situations.


Integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.


Show self-control in order to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle


Demonstrate courage even in the face of self-doubt and fear.

Our communities are shaped by our beliefs about ourselves and how we treat others. Many students not only face constant negative influences everywhere but have no one that cares enough about them to teach them what their life could be like.


Exercise excellence as a habit and a consistent part of your life.


Balance your self-confidence with healthy doses of humility.


Show great compassion for those less fortunate than yourself.


Contribute to teamwork and reap the benefits as well.


Generate enthusiasm in yourself and others towards a positive purpose.


A person of honor consistently makes the right choices.

Mentoring programs led to improved psychosocial, academic, and career outcomes, contributing to the overall positive development of young people.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Here's how you can get involved:

Join a Team

Join your local area's team and rally your friends, family, or colleagues to participate.

Choose a physical challenge that suits your interests and abilities. It could be anything from running a 5K to completing a yoga challenge.

Seek out sponsors who believe in the cause and are willing to support your efforts.

Share your progress and achievements on social media to raise awareness and inspire others to join the movement.

A sponsor can help by:

A sponsor provides the fuel needed to place mentors in the lives of kids

Financially supporting a mentor's challenge

Spreading awareness about the program

Providing in-kind support or corporate sponsorships

Becoming a mentor themselves

Sharing success stories and testimonials

Teams participating in the MOVE IT!
Challenge can choose

from a wide range of physical activities to suit their interests and abilities. Some examples include:

Running or walking a 5K, 10K, or half-marathon

Hiking or trekking in local parks or trails

Participating in team sports, such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball

Engaging in group fitness classes, like yoga, Pilates, or Zumba

Cycling or mountain biking over a specific distance or time

Swimming laps at a pool or completing a distance swim in open water

Completing a set number of push-ups, sit-ups, or burpees

Participating in an obstacle course race or adventure race

10 Ways Mentoring and Physical Activity Help At-Risk Students.

Stop wondering how this world is going to change and do something that matters in a student’s future.

Mentoring programs like Teach One to Lead One and physical activity initiatives like the MOVE IT! Challenge can make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of at-risk students. By addressing their unique challenges and promoting their personal growth, these programs empower students to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Help Students Avoid

Poor academic performance and disengagement from education

Increased risk of dropping out of school

Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety

Hindered development of social skills and emotional intelligence

Negative behaviors and involvement in risky activities

Be the change you wish to see:

Register for the MOVE IT! Challenge and help students in need reach their full potential!"

Teach One to Lead One is a registered service mark of CLI, Inc. 

© 2023 CLI, Inc. All rights reserved.

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move it

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10 Tips for an adult to become an effective Youth Mentor

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